Wildlife and Leisure Park Allensbach
Allensbach / Baden-WĆ¼rttemberg / Germany
This adventure slide tower has been the new attraction and crowd-puller at the wildlife and amusement park in Allensbach / Baden WĆ¼rttemberg since 2019. Here, visitors can enjoy the world of slides in one place. The mega slide terminal with free-fall slide, multi-lane slide, wave slide, spiral slide, free-form slides and mega wide slide offers all kinds of slide experiences. From the family slide to the freak slide, everything is included. A visit is therefore worthwhile for every family. In addition to the slides, atlantics also built the entire tower here, including the wooden panelling. As there is also a lot to consider when building the tower construction, atlantics has been offering its customers these spectacular constructions from a single source since 2015. In addition to the accuracy of fit, this also ensures the standard-compliant construction of the entire structure, as additional standards must be observed when building the tower in connection with its use as a slide terminal.

height 3.60 metres | width 3.00 metres | length approx. 8.50 metres
manufactured in compliance with DIN EN 1176
slide made of stainless steel V2A
build 2020 | ident-nr. 198566
height 7.20 metres | diameter 0.80 metres | length approx. 19.00 metres
manufactured in compliance with DIN EN 1176
slide made of stainless steel V2A
build 2020 | ident-nr. 198566
height 14.00 metres | width 2.00 metres | length approx. 49.00 metres
manufactured in compliance with DIN EN 1176
slide made of stainless steel V2A
build 2020 | ident-nr. 198566
height 17.00 metres | diameter 0.90 metres | length approx. 51.00 metres
manufactured in compliance with DIN EN 1176
slide made of stainless steel V2A
build 2020 | ident-nr. 198566
height 22.00 metres | diameter 0.90 metres | length approx. 67.00 metres
manufactured in compliance with DIN EN 1176
slide made of stainless steel V2A
build 2020 | ident-nr. 198566
height 23.50 metres | diameter 0.80 metres | length approx. 65.00 metres
manufactured in compliance with DIN EN 1176
slide made of stainless steel V2A
build 2020 | ident-nr. 198566
height 22.50 metres | diameter 0.90 metres | length approx. 62.00 metres
manufactured in compliance with DIN EN 1176
slide made of stainless steel V2A
build 2020 | ident-nr. 198566
height 22.00 metres | diameter 0.80 metres | length approx. 50.00 metres
manufactured in compliance with DIN EN 1176
slide made of stainless steel V2A
build 2020 | ident-nr. 198566