Daycare Centre Sternenzelt

Frankfurt am Main / Hesse / Germany

The residents can be evacuated quickly and safely via the roof terrace of the Sternenzelt daycare centre in Frankfurt am Main / Hesse. The rescue slide is the special element here. Built by atlantics in 2012, the emergency slide has not only formed the centre’s second escape route ever since, but is also used by the children to play on a daily basis. The slide is great fun and the children also familiarise themselves with the escape route, which can be crucial in an emergency.


atlantics stainless steel slides daycare centre star tent frankfurt kirchhofsway evacuation tubes 127432

height 3.80 metres | diameter 0.80 metres

manufactured in compliance with DIN EN 1176

slide made of stainless steel V2A

build 2012 | ident-nr. 127432